Saint-Jérôme, May 22, 2012

Press Release

Installation of booms upstream and downstream of Carillon hydroelectric generating station

Hydro-Québec will be installing two (2) booms on the Rivière des Outaouais (Ottawa River), upstream and downstream of Carillon hydroelectric generating station, to warn the public of a danger zone.

Between the end of May and mid-June, warning buoys will be installed. They will be tied together with floats to form a boom across the river, downstream of Carillon generating station. Another boom will be installed upstream of the spillway, on the Ontario side of the river.

The installation and location of this protective structure have been approved by Transport Canada and comply with all environmental regulations.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Hydro-Québec reminds the public that it is dangerous to engage in recreational activities on bodies of water near hydroelectric generating stations, and asks everyone to pay attention to the signs and the boom, which have been installed for their safety.

Situations representing a risk or a danger for the public can be reported to Hydro-Québec at 1 877 816-1212 (toll-free) any time of day or night (24/7).

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