Montréal, December 17, 2013

Press Release

Hydro-Québec provides clarification following a column published in La Presse

Hydro-Québec would like to provide clarification to remarks made in a column published in La Presse, entitled “Les électrons en folie.”

As the company has noted many times in the past, importing electricity from neighboring systems during the winter peak at times when demand is high is not abnormal nor is it indicative of any problem with Hydro-Québec’s network. Rather, it reflects the company’s optimized supply management and the complementarity of the continent’s northeast power systems. This complementarity explains why Hydro-Québec exports large amounts of electricity to its southern neighbors in the summer months, when air conditioning demand is at its peak.

The choice of energy source doesn’t change the seasonal nature of energy needs in Québec, given our climate. Heating our homes with natural gas would create the same type of need for gas infrastructure to meet seasonal demand for heating.

Electricity remains the best option
Contrary to what was stated in the article, electric heating is 100% efficient; that is, each kilowatthour consumed is transformed into heat, with no loss. With regard to heating with natural gas, efficiency is between 75% and 95%, depending on the age of the furnace and its ability to recover waste heat.

The cost of electricity is generally more stable than that of fuels and electrical heating systems are generally inexpensive to install and require little maintenance.

Electricity is not subsidized
It is false to claim that electricity is highly subsidized in Québec. Electricity is sold at rates established through the same regulatory mechanisms as elsewhere in North America. Hydro-Québec is a profitable company, and its activities are not subsidized by anyone. Electricity prices in Québec are low because the province has vast hydropower resources that have been successfully harnessed.

Québec can be proud of its historical choice to opt for hydropower, a clean, renewable source, that offers low-cost energy over the long term. Québec’s environmental footprint benefits greatly from opting for hydropower, in all its uses.


Patrice Lavoie
514 289-2097

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