Montreal, October 30, 2020
Press Release
Growing electricity demand forecasted in Québec despite the public health crisis
Montréal, October 30, 2020 – In the 2020 progress report on the Electricity Supply Plan 2020–2029 filed with the Régie de l’énergie, Hydro-Québec forecasts overall growth of 15.9 terawatthours (TWh) or 9% in the province’s electricity demand over the plan period.
The company anticipates that the growth rate will initially decline until 2026 due to the economic impacts of the public health crisis, and that it will subsequently accelerate until 2029.
In particular, the growth in demand will stem from the conversion of heating systems to electricity, an increase in the number of electric vehicles, development of the data center and greenhouse markets, and the slower than expected adoption of photovoltaic solar self-generation.
To meet demand in a timely manner, steps will likely be taken within the next year to acquire new long-term energy supplies.
Québec’s capacity requirements to meet winter peak demand will continue to grow and should reach 41,550 megawatts (MW) in 2028–2029. This represents an increase of 2,688 MW or 6% compared to winter 2019–2020 requirements. In light of this growth forecast, Hydro-Québec will launch new energy efficiency and demand response programs. The company also expects to initiate the procurement process for new long-term capacity supplies within the coming year.

Summary of the progress report on the Electricity Supply Plan 2020–2029 (French only)
Complete document (French only)
Media Relations
Cendrix Bouchard, spokesperson
514 289-4104