Sainte-Julie, February 14, 2012

Press Release

March Break: The Électrium and the Club des Débrouillards provide free, energizing activities

During March Break, bring the family to the Électrium, Hydro-Québec’s electricity interpretation centre. It’s a great way to understand electricity’s role in nature, in our bodies and in our homes. And what’s more, it’s free!

Come meet the Club des Débrouillards

From March 5 to 11, the Électrium invites you to scientific workshops led by the Club des Débrouillards. Learn about sounds and waves or the human body, depending on when you visit. These special activities last about 30 minutes and will be held four times a day. Go to for details.

A fun way to learn about electricity

Throughout the year, you can take a guided tour of the Électrium’s four zones, each addressing one aspect of electricity: how electricity shows up in nature, in physical and magnetic phenomena, and how electricity is generated in Québec.

The fascinating subject is explained by guides, and you’ll be able to put your newfound knowledge to the test with the interactive exhibits. For example, you can touch the Van de Graff generator, the sphere that makes your hair stands on end. Touch the plasma ball to see it generate tiny lightning bolts. And a new game will let you challenge someone to a test of your reflexes and see how long it takes your brain to respond to various stimuli.

Some species of fish produce electricity. Did you know that an adult electric eel generates enough electricity to light 48 ten-watt compact fluorescent lightbulbs? This intriguing fish is the star of the Électrium.

The Électrium is located in Sainte-Julie, off exit 87 of Highway 30, in the Montérégie region.

Opening hours for March Break (from March 5 to 11 inclusively): 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For information and reservations:

450 652-8977 or 1 800 267-4558 or

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