Montréal , December 23, 2013

Press Release

Hydro-Québec provides details about La Presse article of December 21

Montréal, December 23, 2013 Hydro-Québec responds to the article “Accroissement de la production: Hydro ne ralentit pas le rythme,” published in La Presse December 21, which does not reflect the reality of Hydro-Québec’s hydroelectric projects.

Reminder about surplus
Our electricity surplus is attributable to the drop in industrial demand in Québec and to purchases of power generated by wind and forest biomass pursuant to orders in council issued by the Québec government. The purchase of wind power, which is more expensive than hydropower, is the result of government decisions related to development of this industry in Québec.

Romaine complex project
The article stated that “despite surpluses expected to last until 2027, Hydro-Québec has not slowed down the construction of new generating stations” and “when the Romaine complex project was launched, Hydro anticipated that the output from these new generating stations would be needed to supply the Québec market starting in 2020.” The additional production capacity of the Romaine complex, which belongs to Hydro-Québec Production, will play no role in increasing the Distributor’s surplus and will have no impact on electricity rates. The Romaine complex, which will be gradually commissioned between 2014 and 2020 and generate electricity for over 100 years, does not target the Québec market. The reasons for the project were made clear at the public hearings on the subject: the electricity generated is intended first and foremost for export markets, while at the same time remaining available for the Québec market, as needs may arise over the long term.

Other hydroelectric projects
Hydro-Québec also would like to point out that it is wrong to claim that it has plans involving Rivière George and Rivière à la Baleine. If such plans were ever considered at any time in the past, the company has since definitively dismissed them.

Marie-Élaine Deveault


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