Montréal, December 12, 2013

Press Release

Hydro-Québec has installed 1 million next-generation meters

Montréal, December 12, 2013 – Hydro-Québec’s next-generation meter project reached the milestone of 1 million meters installed since the project began. Almost 60% of the 1.7 million meters making up Phase 1 of the project, which is scheduled to end in June 2014, are already in service for customers in the greater Montréal area.
The deployment of this new technology is going very well, and installers have observed positive reactions in the field. Hydro-Québec has filed an application with the Régie de l’énergie for approval of Phases 2 and 3 of next-generation meter deployment. If the Régie approves the company's application, all of Québec will be covered by 2018, bringing the total number of meters installed to 3.8 million.

Meters that pose no health hazard

Hydro-Québec would like to remind customers that, despite what some rumors suggest, next-generation meters pose no health hazard. In fact, on December 5, 2013, Montréal’s Director of Public Health, speaking on behalf of all of Québec’s regional directors of public health, reiterated their position that next-generation meters pose no health risks

Position of the regional directors of public health [in French]

Customers who would like more information about next-generation meters should go to

Source and information:

Patrice Lavoie
Public Affairs and Media
514 289-2097

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