Montréal, October 9, 2013

Press Release

Hydro-Québec will reprint 14,631 bills with an incorrect amount

Hydro-Québec would like to inform some of its Equalized Payments Plan (EPP) customers that, due to human error, 14,631 bills were issued with an incorrect amount.

Our Customer services representatives are already contacting affected customers advising them to disregard the bill they received. A new bill with the actual amount owing will quickly be issued with an adjusted due date.

The customers affected were all signed up for the EPP and had a balance due following the annual review of their monthly payments. We would like to specify that the bill amount in our files is correct and that this error occured at the printing stage.

Only 14,631 customers of the 1.4 million who are signed up for the EPP are affected. Hydro-Québec has some 3.8 million customers throughout Québec.

Hydro-Québec apologizes to its customers for any inconvenience caused and thanks them for their understanding.


For more information:

Patrice Lavoie
Public Affairs and Media
514 289-2097

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