Montréal, December 10, 2024
Press Release
Evlo delivers its first battery energy storage system to california
Multi-Purpose Storage Solution to Drive Grid Reliability and Solar Integration for Southern California CCA

EVLO Energy Storage Inc. (EVLO), a fully integrated battery energy storage systems (BESS) provider and wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro-Québec, is pleased to announce the successful delivery of battery energy storage units for its first BESS project in California.
The project, with a capacity of 12 MW / 64 MWh, will be commissioned in the spring of 2025. Its applications include multiple grid benefits, including enabling greater solar integration, peak shaving, and ancillary services such as frequency and voltage regulation. EVLO was selected for its proven ability to deliver a comprehensive, multi-purpose BESS solution that maximizes value for both the grid and project stakeholders. The offtake agreement is with a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) in Southern California.
EVLO's comprehensive scope of work encompasses the design, engineering, procurement, production, delivery, and commissioning of a BESS comprised of 64 EVLO 1000 units and 16 power conversion system (PCS) units. The system will be managed by EVLOGIX, EVLO’s proprietary North American and NERC-CIP ready energy management system (EMS). The system’s components were adapted to resist corrosion and withstand local conditions to ensure its optimal performance in the site’s salty and humid coastal environment.
“We are proud that EVLO’s solution was able to satisfy the very stringent requirements from the end customer in terms of safety and cybersecurity,” said EVLO President and CEO, Sonia St-Arnaud. “This project affirms our coast-to-coast presence in the U.S. and demonstrates our commitment to delivering reliable and secure energy storage solutions.”
As of October, installed battery energy storage capacity in California had reached more than 13 GW. Energy storage will be critical for the state to reach its long-term carbon neutrality and emissions reduction goals while maintaining critical grid reliability and resiliency. The EVLO project will also support the state’s progress toward its target of 52 GW of battery energy storage by 2045.
EVLO had previously announced its first project commissioned in the United States in Troy, Vermont in August 2024, and a series of three projects with Dominion Energy totalling over 300 MWh to be deployed in Virginia in 2025 and 2026. With this landmark California project and its expanding presence across the United States, EVLO continues to demonstrate its leadership in advancing North America's clean energy transition. The company's growing portfolio of successful deployments, coupled with Hydro-Québec's renowned expertise, positions EVLO at the forefront of the rapidly evolving energy storage market.
About EVLO Energy Storage Inc.
EVLO Energy Storage Inc. (EVLO) is a fully integrated battery energy storage systems and solutions provider and subsidiary of Hydro-Québec – North America’s largest renewable energy producer. EVLO’s utility-scale systems, control software, commissioning, monitoring, and system management services deliver superior performance, safety, and reliability. EVLO’s world-class solutions are backed by decades of R&D, and its comprehensive services are led by a veteran team of industry experts passionate about partnering with customers to build a cleaner, more resilient energy future.
To learn more:
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Sabrina Bourque
Communications Manager
EVLO Energy Storage
450 809-1840