Montréal, November 26, 2012

Press Release

Hydro-Québec’s Marie-José Nadeau to chair the World Energy Council as of 2013

The World Energy Council (WEC) has elected Hydro-Québec’s Marie-José Nadeau to preside over the organization. Her three-year mandate will begin in October 2013. Ms. Nadeau, the Executive Vice President – Corporate Affairs and Secretary General at Hydro-Québec, thus becomes the first woman to head this international organization.

Marie-José Nadeau, Executive Vice President – Corporate Affairs and Secretary General at Hydro-Québec
Hydro-Québec’s Marie-José Nadeau to chair the World Energy Council as of 2013

Mrs. Nadeau has been active in WEC for the past 15 years and has been a member of WEC’s Board and Finance Committee since 2007. Since 2004, she has chaired the Communications Committee, responsible for promoting WEC’s international profile, producing its publications and interacting with the media. She oversaw one of the most successful congresses ever, held in Montréal in 2010 with some 7,000 delegates in attendance.

“I am honored by the confidence the members of the World Energy Council have placed in me,” said Marie-José Nadeau. “This appointment also recognizes Hydro-Québec and Québec’s role as a key energy player.”

Mrs. Nadeau will lead WEC without being responsible for the organization’s operations, as it is managed by a permanent Secretary General. She will continue her work at Hydro-Québec while waiting to assume her new role at WEC.

Formed in 1923, WEC’s headquarters are in London. Its national member committees, numbering almost a hundred, are drawn from every continent. WEC brings together leading energy experts and strategists to produce strategic analyses on current issues in the energy field. These invaluable reference documents are distributed throughout the world. 

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