Gatineau, September 6, 2023
Press Release
Lowering of the level of Rivière Gatineau between September 11 and 28, 2023

Hydro-Québec is advising people living near the Gatineau, upstream from the Chelsea generating station, that it will lower the river level between Monday, September 11, and Thursday, September 28.
As mentioned in the letter sent to residents last April, Hydro-Québec pursued the refurbishment of Chelsea generating station throughout the summer.
The work is now complete, and Hydro-Québec will lower the river level to 96 metres upstream of Chelsea generating station to allow the contractor to remove the temporary platform.
Please note that the river will return to its usual level once the platform is removed. In September, the river level upstream from the Chelsea generating station usually varies between 97.30 and 97.45 metres.
About the work
Hydro-Québec began the refurbishment of Chelsea generating station in spring 2022. The project encompassed the dam deck, accesses and emergency exits. This essential work has ensured the long-term operability of the generating station, which was commissioned in 1927.
Hydro-Québec is aware that the work had an impact on residents and would like to thank them for their patience and understanding.
If you have any questions about this project, please call the Info-Project line at 1 800 465?1521, ext. 6022.
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Community Relations –
Lanaudière, Laurentides, Laval and Outaouais