Montréal, May 7, 2012

Press Release

The level of exposure to radio frequencies of Hydro-Québec’s next-generation meters is 100,000 times less than Health Canada standards

Hydro-Québec is presently in hearings before the Régie de l'énergie to obtain the authorization to proceed with the installation of 3.8 million next-generation meters. Hydro-Québec would like to reiterate that according to Health Canada and the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, exposure to radio frequencies from next-generation meters is 100,000 times lower than Health Canada's official standards, which are similar to those in Europe.

The report submitted by Dr. David O. Carpenter, expert-witness from Stratégies énergétiques et l'Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (SÉ-AQLPA), refers to exposure limits that are in no way official and that are not recognized by any international health organization. Despite this, Dr. Carpenter confirms in his report that the vast majority of next-generation meters that Hydro-Québec will install will comply with the exposure limits he presented in his report.

Hydro-Québec reaffirms that all of its meters are safe and do not present a health risk. Hydro-Québec intends to make its position known to the Régie de l'énergie.

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