Val-d'Or, May 2, 2022
Press Release
Connecting the community of Kitcisakik to the power gridKitcisakik and Hydro-Québec launch the Animiki Ickote project

Hydro-Québec and the Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik are pleased to announce the project to connect the village currently located along Dozois reservoir to Hydro-Québec’s grid. The project is called Animiki Ickote, which means “electricity” in Anishnabe, and is expected to take 36 to 48 months to complete.
In collaboration with Kitcisakik, Hydro-Québec is assembling a technical committee to determine the best possible solutions to ensure the success of the project, which includes the construction of a 25-kV line between Louvicourt substation and the village, as well as a local distribution system within the community.
This major initiative will require several months of engineering work, studies and construction. The technical committee will closely monitor every stage of the project to ensure optimal and timely execution.
The design and equipment construction costs, which will be established at a later date, will be entirely assumed by Hydro-Québec.
Adapting local homes
At the same time, the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones du Québec (SAA) will support members of the Kitcisakik community as they adapt their homes to the new power system by funding work to make the installations compliant with current standards. The community buildings will be connected to the new local system thanks to financial assistance from Indigenous Services Canada.
It is important to note that the project to connect Kitcisakik to the grid will not impact the community’s relocation in a few years, which is currently being prepared. Until their move, Kitcisakik residents will benefit from adequate electricity service once the project is complete.
“Today, we are very pleased to announce that Hydro-Québec, Kitcisakik and the federal and provincial governments are joining forces supply electricity to the village of Kitcisakik. We will work hand in hand with the community to deploy the best possible project and provide the residents of Kitcisakik with the comfort to which they have legitimately aspired for far too long.”
Sophie Brochu, President and CEO, Hydro-Québec
“Today’s announcement is a historic one! The project to supply electricity to our village has been long awaited by our members, for whom it is very significant. In addition to improving the quality of life of each individual, the electrification of Kitcisakik’s buildings will impact the environment and the community’s economic development. I am very proud of our participation in the project and of the work we have accomplished.”
Chief Régis Penosway, Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik
“Access to a reliable power system is essential to the development of Indigenous communities in remote areas and to the attainment of a satisfactory level of comfort. I am thrilled that our government is working together with Hydro-Québec and the community of Kitcisakik to lead this project, which I am sure will make all the difference for local residents.”
Jonatan Julien, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
“The Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones is proud to be participating in the development of this vital electrification project and providing community members with support every step of the way. My hope is that, thanks to our efforts, this project will eventually make daily life easier and more pleasant for the Anicinapek of Kitcisakik.”
Ian Lafrenière, Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs
“I am very pleased to see the results of the work of all those involved in this project to meet the needs of the families of Kitcisakik. Electrification of the village will certainly be a major driver of socio-economic development, and will certainly contribute to the development of the whole community.
Pierre Dufour, Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks
“Access to electricity is a basic need for all Canadians. Connecting the community of Kitcisakik fosters energy independence and curbs diesel dependency, thus reducing GHG emissions. The government of Canada is proud to support the community of Kitcisakik and other communities and work with them in their transition to clean, renewable and sustainable energy sources that help ensure their health and safety and improve their quality of life.”
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services
“I would first like to acknowledge the perseverance and resilience of the Kitcisakik Anishnabe and their elected representatives who have been patiently waiting for this announcement, which we are celebrating today, for several years. Kitcisakik finally sees the light and will be able to access opportunities, limited so far by the absence of this infrastructure that is essential for the development of any community. The Chiefs join me at this time of community celebrations.”
Chief Ghislain Picard, Assembly of First Nations Québec-Labrador
Hydro-Québec Francis Labbé, |
Community of Kitcisakik Éric Duguay |