Montréal, June 14, 2016

Press Release

Favorable decision from the Régie de l’énergie: A milestone in the Québec–New Hampshire Interconnection project

Hydro-Québec is pleased with the decision rendered last Friday by the Régie de l’énergie regarding the Québec–New Hampshire interconnection project.

In this decision, the Régie authorizes Hydro-Québec to build a 320-kV line between Des Cantons substation and the border with New Hampshire, install equipment at the substation and carry out related work. In its decision, the Régie indicates that “in its opinion, the analysis of the evidence shows that the project is necessary to supply firm point-to-point transmission service required further to a request from the Generator and that, once completed, it will ensure the safe and reliable use of the transmission system.”

The public consultation process will continue in the local community, in conjunction with organizations and stakeholders, in order to obtain all the authorizations required to carry out the project. The Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) launched the public information and consultation phase for the project on May 24, 2016.

On the U.S. side, the Northern Pass project would extend the line to Franklin substation in southern New Hampshire. This project would increase the energy interchange capacity between Québec and New England. Work is scheduled to begin during the fall of 2017 with commissioning slated for 2019.

Hydro-Québec is a recognized leader in hydropower and large electric systems. It delivers reliable power and high-quality service. With 99.8% of our output generated from water, Hydro-Québec’s electricity exports are essential to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


For more information:

Marie-Elaine Deveault
Press Officer
514 289-5005

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