Montréal, May 7, 2012

Press Release

Hydro-Québec is proud to present the tenth edition of its Sustainability Report

Hydro-Québec is proud to present its Sustainability Report 2011, which highlights the company’s many initiatives in the area of sustainable development. This year marks the tenth anniversary of this publication. Hydro-Québec was one of the first companies in Québec to publish a sustainability report.

"Naturally, Hydro-Québec’s sustainability vision goes well beyond the strictly environmental issue. Our vision reflects our desire to understand stakeholders’ concerns and expectations so that we can better take them into account in our choices, decisions and actions. It also expresses our determination to ensure the company’s economic viability and contribute to Québec’s economic vitality, " said Stella Leney, General Manager – Environment and Corporate Affairs at Hydro-Québec.


Some 2011 highlights


Eastmain-1-A – Sarcelle – Rupert: A model of sustainability

The result of numerous consultations with stakeholders, the Eastmain-1-A – Sarcelle – Rupert project includes the construction of Eastmain-1-A powerhouse, which was commissioned in January 2012, and Sarcelle powerhouse. It also includes the diversion of part of the Rivière Rupert to these powerhouses, then north to the La Grande complex. In 2011, the project created 1,463 person-years of jobs, with Cree and Jamesian workers accounting for 10.6% of the workforce.

The project’s distinguishing features are the scale of the measures undertaken to preserve the environment and take community concerns into account. Hydro-Québec rehabilitated sites, enhanced the area affected by the project, preserved the fishing activities and improved access to the area. The company also seeded 300 hectares to support goose hunting, as well as building two pools and boardwalks at Smokey Hill Rapids for traditional Cree cisco fishing.

In its 12th global inventory of electricity production from renewable sources, the Observatoire des énergies renouvelables (Observ’ER) cited the Eastmain-1-A project as a "prime example of how to incorporate environmental constraints." Observ’ER is a world reference in renewable energy and sustainable development.


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

With hydropower accounting for 98% of Hydro-Québec’s output, the company produces very low levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In fact, in 2011, our net exports to neighboring systems helped avoid 12 million tonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to the annual emissions from about 3 million vehicles.

Under the RECYC-FRIGO Environnement™, the recovery of CFCs in refrigerators avoided 160,304 t CO2 eq. of emissions in 2011.


Ongoing efforts in energy efficiency

The energy efficiency initiatives of Hydro-Québec and its customers generated new savings of 989 GWh in 2010, for a total of 6.2 TWh in annual savings achieved to date. These annual recurring savings are equivalent to the annual consumption of about 229,000 households that heat with electricity. Through innovation and the development of programs that are tailored to customers’ needs, we plan to reach the cumulative objective of 11 TWh of energy savings by 2015. In 2011 alone, Hydro-Québec invested $217 million in energy efficiency initiatives.

In addition, over 462,500 conventional thermostats in rental properties were replaced with electronic thermostats. This resulted in savings of more than 45 GWh. In addition, the installation of 16,216 three-element water heaters helped reduce power demand at peak periods.

Launched in 2011, the Dare to Compare service allows our customers to compare their electricity consumption to that of similar households. Customers can now find out whether they are energy-efficient or energy-hungry.


Electrification of ground transportation: a first public charging network

In 2011, we launched Québec and Canada’s first public charging network for electric vehicles. Hydro-Québec is one of the founding members of The Electric Circuit, whose recent inauguration is a major milestone in the rollout of the charging infrastructure needed to support the arrival of electric vehicles in Québec.

In a related area, our R&D initiatives pertaining to battery materials generated $26 million in revenue through sublicenses for the use of lithium metal phosphates in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries.


For more information, please consult the online version of the Sustainability Report 2011.

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