Montréal, June 4, 2019

Press Release

Montréal the Best Place in the World to Set up a Data Center

Presented by Hydro-Québec, Montréal International and Investissement Québec, the Montréal region won out over locations in Finland, Norway and Scotland.

Of course, it’s Québec’s 99.8% clean power and rates that are among the lowest in the world that tipped the scales in Montréal’s favor. Back in 2016, Hydro-Québec announced a move to attract data centers, and there are now more than fourty established in Québec.

We’d like to congratulate all the other finalists, including Québec nominees like Estruxture and ROOT, which were in the running for the Excellence in Data Centre Americas Award.

“The work Hydro-Québec has done to develop its clean energy is being increasingly recognized in the field of cloud computing,” said Éric Filion, President of Hydro-Québec Distribution. “As companies hosting data centers and their customers are growing more concerned about their environmental impact, now more than ever, the province of Quebec and the Montréal region is a prime destination globally and is making a significant contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions.”



Cendrix Bouchard

Hydro-Québec spokesman


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