Montréal, March 28, 2018

Press Release

Contract with Massachusetts Negotiations on NECEC project in Maine to continue

Massachusetts announced this morning that, in view of finalizing a contract for 9.45 TWh of clean energy annually for 20 years, it will pursue negotiations with Hydro-Québec and Central Maine Power, proponents of the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) project, towards the construction of a new transmission lines in Maine that will interconnect the Quebec and New England power systems.

In January, Massachusetts chose Québec hydropower. We are thus continuing our discussions to negotiate a major contract, convinced that our energy will make a significant contribution to the ongoing energy transition. We are completely satisfied with our approach to this request for proposals.  Hydro-Québec partnered with three recognized proponents who presented three transmission projects. 

Northern Pass Transmission

Northern Pass Transmission (NPT) remains a sound project. It was initially selected in January to deliver the entirety of the clean energy volume called for in this request for proposals.

The energy transition of the U.S. Northeast is now under way. The need for clean energy is great and will remain so for years to come. The NPT project could very well come to fruition in the coming years.

For more information :
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514 289-5005

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